The Costbasis Calculator for Shareholders

Welcome Company Shareholders

Netbasis is proud to be working with Company to provide your calculation needs. We will calculate your adjusted cost basis for Company or any Company-affiliated company.

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The Costbasis Calculator for Shareholders

Welcome Company Shareholders

Netbasis is proud to be working with Company to provide your calculation needs. We will calculate your adjusted cost basis for Company or any Company-affiliated company.

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Get Your Cost Basis Instantly!

Our cost basis calculator will quickly provide you with your adjusted cost basis even if you don’t have all of your investment information.

"What Information Do I Need To Calculate My Cost Basis?"

cost basis calculator

All you need are the purchase and sale dates and number of shares. Your Brokerage Firm, Transfer Agent or Company may be able to help you obtain that information. If you need help on how to collect that information, click here for helpful tips.


Acquisition and Sale Dates

Enter the acquisition date(s) for the shares you acquired (purchased, inherited or received in a spin-off). Then enter the date(s) of shares you sold.


Amount of Shares

Enter the number of shares for every acquisition. Then enter the number of shares for every sale.


Dividend Dates

You don’t have to enter every dividend. Click “Yes” if you reinvested dividends for the entire holding period or enter the start or end dates.

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A Century of Complete Coverage

We have all
your security’s
corporate actions.

Netbasis is the only investment tax tool that can determine the historical cost basis of virtually any security going back as early as 1925. Our rich proprietary data and patented technology allows Netbasis to provide other key wealth management tools that are essential to our users.

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A Century of Complete Coverage

We have all
your security’s
corporate actions.

Netbasis is the only investment tax tool that can determine the historical cost basis of virtually any security going back as early as 1925. Our rich proprietary data and patented technology allows Netbasis to provide other key wealth management tools that are essential to our users.

Providing Reliable Investment Tax Solutions for over 25 Years

ESPP Report Preview

Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) Cost Basis Retrieval and Verification

The NEW Netbasis ESPP cost basis tool is an effective way to make sure the correct capital gain and ordinary income amounts are calculated on ESPP share transactions. Netbasis automatically makes the calculations and provides a detailed report that identifies all:

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Corporate Action Events

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Ordinary Income Amounts

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Potential Wash Sale

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Qualified & Disqualified Dispositions

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Adjusted Tax Basis

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Investment Returns (IRR & ROI)

ESPP Report Preview

Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) Cost Basis Retrieval and Verification

The NEW Netbasis ESPP cost basis tool is an effective way to make sure the correct capital gain and ordinary income amounts are calculated on ESPP share transactions. Netbasis automatically makes the calculations and provides a detailed report that identifies all:

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Corporate Action Events

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Ordinary Income Amounts

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Potential Wash Sale

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Qualified & Disqualified Dispositions

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Adjusted Tax Basis

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Investment Returns (IRR & ROI)

How can Netbasis ESPP help me?

The Netbasis ESPP tool can be very effective in addressing some of the tax complexities for ESPP transactions. When key participation plan information (offering price, discount rate, etc.) is entered into Netbasis, ESPP tax rules are automatically applied. The adjusted tax basis, capital gain/loss amounts, and ordinary income are instantly calculated. The information results are then provided in a comprehensive report for year-end tax reporting.

The Top Transfer Agencies in the Industry use Netbasis

Netbasis has built a strong reputation over the last 25 years and has serviced more than 325 million transactions for its customers needing cost basis information and analysis. The success of client loyalty has been the direct result of Netbasis’ superior product offering and customer support that is used by leading financial institutions, transfer agencies, individual investors, tax preparation software companies, accounting firms, money managers, Fortune 500 companies, and financial planning professionals.

Sign up to access Netbasis
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Advanced Security

512 Bit


Total Transactions Processed



Years of Service

25 Years


Securities Covered



Shareholder Frequently Asked Questions.

Does Netbasis have ALL of my historical investment information?

Netbasis has the pricing and corporate events (splits, spin-offs, mergers, etc.) and dividends for your investment but we don’t have your personal investment information.

Netbasis has multiple features that can assist you when you don’t have all your purchase information, but you have to at least have a complete purchase date.

How Do I find out my original purchase date(s) and number of shares?

If you don’t have this information in your records, there are only three possible sources that may have your investment information:

1 . The company in which you own shares.
2. The transfer agency for the company in which you own shares.
3. Your brokerage firm.

When reaching out to any of these options, it is important to ask specifically for your investment history and not your cost basis. None of these entities are required to report your cost basis prior to 2011 on the 1099-B, so they will answer a question about cost basis accordingly. Asking specifically for the oldest date and number of shares in the records is a good place to start.

Can I still use Netbasis if I don't have my purchase price or amount?

Yes, Netbasis will calculate the average price by taking the high and low prices from the purchase date into account, and then proceed to adjust for any corporate actions that have occurred.

What does a Netbasis cost basis report include?

In the Summary section of the report, the adjusted cost basis (both per share and in total), the gains or losses for both long-term and short-term periods for covered and non-covered shares (detailed per share and in total), and the sale proceeds (per share and in total) are presented. Should there be a partial sale, information regarding the cost basis and the fair market value of the remaining shares is also included. The Detail section offers a comprehensive breakdown of all corporate actions and dividends (where applicable) that have been factored into the calculations, serving as essential documentation for personal records or for submission to a professional.

Can I export my cost basis results to an IRS 8949 and 1020S (Schedule D) form?

At the beginning of the report page, users can find the functionality to download the cost basis and profit/loss figures into a digital format for both the current and previous year's IRS Form 8949 and Form 1020 S (Schedule D).

Netbasis AI is your personalized AI assistant.

Introducing Phase One: Get exclusive access to comprehensive information about the Net Simulator! Stay tuned, as the excitement continues with new phases being rolled out in the coming weeks.

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Any time you have a question, you can simply reach out to a Netbasis professionals with our interactive help desk. We've integrated an in-app message center for your convenience.

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Built on 25 Years of Trust

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