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What is a T+1 Settlement Date and How Will it Impact My Investment?

The day you buy or sell a security is the trade or transaction date. The settlement date is the official day that shares are transferred to a buyer’s account or money is transferred to a seller’s account. Since 2017, the time period between the transaction date and settlement date has been two business days or T+2.

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Understanding Capital Loss

A capital loss occurs when an investment, such as a stock or bond, is sold for less than its original purchase price, reflecting a decrease in the investment's value. Experiencing capital losses is a common aspect of the financial markets and is part of the investing process. These losses can affect your taxes...

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Understanding Your Realized Capital Gains

Whenever you realize a profit from selling an investment at a higher price than itspurchase cost, it’s necessary to assess and report potential capital gains taxes on your tax return. This applies to any asset, including stocks, mutual funds, and cryptocurrencies sold for a gain will obligate you to calculate...

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